Retargeting Facebook Ads Success Blueprint [Step-By-Step Guide]

In this video, I explain the importance of using Custom audiences in Facebook Ads Business Manager to generate over 5X Return On Investment. Make sure you apply this into your current marketing strategy as you don’t want to be leaving any money on the table. Custom audience is the most powerful tool you can use and you will need to take advantage of this especially if you are spending on any Paid Ads. There are going to be 2 parts within this topic as I outline both basic and advanced methods of Facebook Ad retargeting.

Start maximizing your profit using Facebook retargeting ads.This is my basic to advanced method of my own strategy that I came up with in order to increase my overall profit.

I call this … [20-15-10 Advanced Retargeting Strategy]


  • Creating Custom Audiences

  • For basic retargeting you need 5-20 sales per day

  • For advanced retargeting you need 20+ sales per day

  • 2-3 Ad Creatives (Short video, Photo, Carousel)

What is a custom audience?

Custom audiences are people who have engaged, interacted and visited your page. Basically, everyone who has made an action on your Facebook page or your landing page. A few examples of custom audiences that you can create are people who viewed your video, people who liked or commented on your ad, landed on your page, added to cart etc…

First of all, create these custom audiences:

  • 50%,75%,95% Video View & Page Engagement 7,30,180 Days

  • View content Excluding ATC 7,30,180 Days

  • ATC Excluding Purchase 7,30,180 Days

ATC is Add To Cart.

Basic Retargeting Strategy

Create a Campaign Budget Optimization at $15 and the set up will be 3 Adsets with 2 ads per adset (One video and One Photo)

On the ad level, you will need to change your sales copy and the best way is to apply discount codes. The further they are in the funnel the more discounts you should offer.

Three adset and ads Custom Audience setup as follows:

Adset 1: 50% Video Viewers, 75% Video Viewers, 95% Video Viewers Excluding View Content.

Ad 1: Video with a 5% off Discount Code

Ad 2: Photo or Carousel with a 5% Off Discount Code.

Adset 2: View Content Excluding Add To Cart

Ad 1: Video with a 10% off Discount Code.

Ad 2: Carousel with a 10% Off Discount Code

Adset 3: Add To Cart Excluding Purchase

Ad 1: Video with a 15% off Discount Code.

Ad 2: Carousel with a 15% Off Discount Code

Diagram 1.0

Diagram 1.0

This is the full video of the beginner retargeting strategy.

The setup for the advanced retargeting strategy has more components.

First of all, create these custom audiences:

  •  50%,75%,95% Video View & Page Engagement 7,30,180 Days

  • View content Excluding ATC 7,30,180 Days

  • ATC Excluding Purchase 7,30,180 Days

First CBO $20 budget - Last 7 Days and ALL adsets excluding VC 7 Days.

There are going to be 4 Adsets and each adset will have TWO ads (1 Vid and a Photo ad).
Offer: Free Shipping, Stock running low, Hurry!

1. 50%VV 7 Days - Excluding 7 Days 75%,95% VV, VC.
2. 75% VV 7 Days - Excluding 7 Days 95% VV, VC.
3. 05% VV 7 DAys - Excluding 7 Days VC
4. Page Engaged 7 Days - Excluding 7 Days VC

See diagram 2.0 below

Second CBO $15 budget - Last 7 Days

There are going to be 2 Adsets here and each adset will have TWO ads (1 Vid and a Carousel).

1. VC Excluding ATC 7 Days - Offer 5% Off, Free Shipping, Stock running low, Hurry!

2. ATC Excluding PUR 7 Days - Offer 10% Off, Free Shipping, Stock running low, Hurry!

See diagram 2.0 below

First advanced.jpg

Diagram 2.0

Third CBO $10 budget - Last 30 Days

There are going to be 2 Adsets and each adset will have at least TWO ad creatives.

1. All VV+Page Engaged 30 Days Excluding VV's and VC 7 Days - Offer 10% Off, Free Shipping, Stock running low, Hurry!

2. VC + ATC 30 Days Excluding PURCHASE 180 Days - Offer 15% Off, Free Shipping, Stock running low, Hurry! Testimonial of product ads)

See Diagram 3.0

last advanced.jpg

Diagram 3.0

The reason why this works so well is because you are segmenting the journey of the customer and allowing them to have time to think while firing better offer each time they see your ad.